韓國水產品價格飆漲韓國之烏賊、鯖魚、黃花魚(yellow corvine)及帶魚(hairtail)等暢銷水產品價格因生產成本持續攀升而飆漲近五成。專家指出,此係韓國口蹄疫爆發後,禽肉供應短缺,連帶刺激水產品需求飆升的骨牌效應。此外,異常低溫的東海及南海也讓漁獲量屢創新低。韓新成屋國農水產品流通公社(KAFTC)表示,烏賊現在的零售單價為2.57美元,較前年的1.7美元上漲48.7%。烏賊在韓國最大連鎖超市(Shinsegae E-Mart)的單價較去年上漲15.5%至2.65美元。韓國國內鯖魚漁獲量減少三成及大鯖魚體重較前年爆跌80%(減少逾400公克),造成鯖魚單價也較前信用貸款年上漲41.9%至3.9美元。黃花魚價格也倍增至2.0美元。帶魚價格連漲3年,33條一箱的帶魚市價就要106.4美元。氣候亦為卸魚量不斷下滑的重要因素;海洋溫度下滑不僅造成水產品載運量減少,冷冽氣候也迫使縮短作業天數。另消費者水產品需求不斷攀升也是魚價飆漲的重大推手。(帛琉摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News No. 4/2011, 1 March 2011)PRICE OF SEAFOOD SKYROCKETAs the cost of fresh produce continues to climb, the prices of widely consumed seafood such as squid, mackerel,yellow corvine and hairtail have all risen by up to nearly 帛琉50%.Experts pointed to a domino effect from a lower meat supply due to foot-and-mouth disease driving up demandfor seafood. In addition unusually low temperatures in both the east and south seas have contributed to thedeclining fish caught.According 婚禮顧問to the Korea Agro-Fisheries Trade Corp., each squid currently costs 2,898 won (US$2.57) at theretail level, up 48.7% from 1,949 won (US$1.7) a year ago.At Shinsegae E-Mart, the nation’s largest discount store chain, the price of a single squid was 花蓮民宿also 15.5% higherthan last year, at 2,980 won (US$2.65). The price of mackerel also jumped 41.9% from a year ago to 4,380won (US$3.9) per fish. This was caused by a 30% drop in the amount of domestic mackerel catch, with theamount of large mackerel ARMANIweighing more than 400 grams falling by over 80% compared to previous years.Likewise, the price of yellow corvine has more than doubled, reaching 2,280 won (US$2.0). The price ofhairtail has climbed for three years in a row, with one box containing 婚禮佈置33 hairtails going for about 120,000 won(US$106.4) at local markets. Meanwhile, weather conditions have played a major role in the declining of fishlandings. Seafood shipments have fallen due to low sea temperatures, and the number of fishing days 酒店工作was alsocut down because of the freezing weather. On the other hand, consumers’ demand for seafood is on the risedrastically driving up fish prices.

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